Selasa, Januari 25, 2011

Info Lowongan Kerja di Nippon Indosari Corpindo (Sari Roti)

Info Lowongan Kerja di Nippon Indosari Corpindo (Sari Roti)

Nippon Indosari Corpindo (Sari Roti) is a foreign investment company that produces bread and largest in Indonesia with two factories located in the Cikarang Industrial Estate Jababeka and one more factory in Industrial Area Pasuruan, East Java.

Sari Roti is ooking for dynamic and talented candidates to be placed in Medan (Sum-Ut) to join our team as:

Product Manager (Jawa Barat - Cikarang)
Responsibilities: As part of Sales & Marketing team, She/He will directly report to Marketing Manager to develop the marketing strategy of added value product for bread and related product. She/he will coordinate with the Key Account Teams, Finance for Marketing budget , R&D Department, PPIC to develop new product. She/he will execute the implementation of marketing plan work with advertising agency or other third party and also she will do marketing research which can be done through marketing research company.


* Female/Male, minimum 25 years old
* Minimum S1 degree from reputable university, marketing and management background is preferred.
* Having maximum 2 years experience in related field or having experience as brand team/sales teams/sales executive is preferred.
* Creative, Healthy, energetic, smart, and communicative
* Result oriented and able to work independence
* English speaking
* Able to operate microsoft office program
* Having driving licence A

PPIC Supervisor - Cikarang Base (Jawa Barat - Cikarang)

* University graduated from any discipline with at least 1 years experience in the same / related field. .
* Knowledge in computer systems (SAP, Microsoft Office)
* Having knowledge and experiences in HACCP, GMP.
* Has strong leadership and good interpersonal & communication skills
* Fast learner and strong analytical skills

Please send your complete cv and latest photograph to:

PT Nippon Indosari Corp
Jl Jababeka XII-A blok W, kav 40-41
Cikarang Bekasi

Or email to

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2 komentar

Meri Marlina mengatakan...

kenapa lulus SMA susah cari kerja di PT?
tolong buat pemerintah di perhatikan..

opan mengatakan...

Terimakasih atas komentar Dik Meri,
Saya sangat setuju bahwa lulusan SMA juga punya motivasi & potensi apabila diberi kesempatan.

mohon maaf, karena sy bukan orang pemerintahan, namun ada beberapa hal yg bisa meningkatkan potensi lulusan SMA sehingga bisa bersaing dg lulusan PTN/PTS, diantaranya:
- cobalah meningkatkan skill, berupa training/latihan/kursus : komputer, kerajinan2 , dll
- cobalah untuk magang kerja, sehingga punya pengalaman kerja. ini akan menambah nilai plus buat Anda.

Dan satu lagi, perlu diingat bahwa bekerja di PT bukanlah satu2nya pilihan utk hidup layak. ada berbagai macam jalan, salah satunya dengan berwirausaha/bisnis. mulailah bisnis yg kecil2, bila perlu yg tidak memerlukan modal. cobalah bergaul dg komunitas para pengusaha, banyak ilmu2 yg notabene free, tp kualitasnya OK. saya sarankan cobalah bergabung dg komunitas TDA (Tangan Di Atas). klik info lengkapnya di

semoga membantu.
salam sukseesss

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