Pembaca TahuGezrot yang baik hati :) berikut saya copas kan sebuah artikel yang ditulis oleh A. Setiawan, seorang Life Learner,Trainer & Motivator serta Certified Master NLP & Hypnotist. Selamat membaca yaaa...Keep on Smile to Face the World.
Tidak ada kesuksesan tanpa Perubahan
Tidak ada Perubahan tanpa Mencoba cara baru dalam kesuksesan
Mencoba dan mencari cara atau formula untuk sukses tidaklah semudah yang kita fikirkan. Seringkali ada hambatan. Seringkali ada tantangan. Seringkali ada cemoohan. Terlebih ketika cara atau formula dipandang berbeda dan penuh kreasi baru. Tak sedikit dari orang lama yang menginginkan ketetapan kenyamanan. Tak sedikit yang menentang demi mempertahankan kenyamanan yang sudah ada. Namun ketika seseorang atau suatu organisasi berhenti mencoba untuk mencari cara baru , berhenti mencoba untuk sukses atau bahkan berhenti mencoba karena sudah merasa cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki sekarang maka kegagalan lah yang sudah pasti dialaminya
Kenapa kita berhenti mencoba? Ada banyak alas an bagi seseorang berhenti mencoba cara-cara baru untuk kesuksesan mereka. Padahal Einstein pernah berkata bahwa suatu kegilaan bagi mereka yang menginginkan hasil yang berbeda namun masih menggunakan cara-cara lama. Sedangkan mereka tidak mampu dan berani mencoba cara-cara baru karena ketakutannya. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan seseorang/organisasi berhenti mencoba yang mungkin juga sedang anda alami saat ini.
1. Mencoba seperti judi tidak pernah memberikan hasil yang tak pasti
Mencoba memang tidak pernah memberikan kepastian jawaban/hasil. Mungkin benar mencoba seperti judi,dimana anda bisa kalah akan tetapi dengan mencoba cara baru anda juga bisa mendapat formula sukses terbaru sehingga anda mampu menjadi seorang pemenang. Namun ketika anda berhenti mencoba, maka yakinilah bahwa kekalahan dan kegagalan sudah terjadi pada diri anda
2. Mencoba akan menghancurkan kenyamanan yang sudah ada
Mencoba tentunya bukan berarti membabi buta. Mencoba dengan perhitungan justru menyelamatkan kenyamanan yang sudah ada. Dengan mencoba hal-hal baru yang didukung dengan ilmu pengetahuan mempertahankan bahkan memperbesar tingkat kenyamanan anda. Bukankah ketika anda semakin sukses anda akan lebih nyaman? Ataukah anda sudah cukup puas dengan keadaan sekarang? Sehingga anda terlenakan
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Analisa Data Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
3. Mencoba membutuhkan effort yang sangat besar
Effort yang sangat besar diperlukan untuk sebuah mencoba hal-hal baru untuk sebuah perubahaan. Namun akan lebih besar effort yang akan anda alami. Ketika anda telah menyadari bahwa kegagalan dan kekalahan telah diderita. Karena anda telah kalah langkah dari competitor anda. Karena anda telah tersingkirkan oleh dunia karena anda tidak mau mencoba dan berubah menuju kesuksesan berikutnya. Orang/Organisasi yang diam dan tak mau membuat perubahan tak ubahnya seperti air danau yang diam dan tak mengalir . Cepat atau lambat nyamuk akan bersarang di dalamnya.
4. Sudah tidak ada waktu lagi untuk mencoba
Orang sukses tak pernah kehilangan waktu untuk mencoba. Karena bagi orang sukses kematian lah akhir waktu untuk mencoba. Betapa banyak organisasi yang bersikukuh keras tidak mau mencoba cara baru demi menyelamatkan pasar mereka malah akhirnya kehilangan pasar yang sudah ada. Karena pasar tersebut telah diraih oleh competitor mereka yang menggunakan cara-cara baru dalam dunia usaha.
Mencoba, atau Inovasi dalam bahasa kerennya atau mencari cara-cara baru dalam sebuah usaha / persaingan bisnis adalah hal yang mutlak harus dilakukan menuju kesuksesan.
Bahkan bagi individu pun demikian juga. Ketika seorang karyawan tidak memiliki inovasi dalam pekerjaannya apakah mungkin ada perubahan dalam karirnya selain berharap kepada atasan untuk menaikkan jenjang mereka. Justru karyawan yang kemudian berinovasi kemudian berani menjadi pengusaha yang menjadi sukses pada akhirnya.Justru karyawan yang memiliki ide kreatif dalam perusahaan yang menjadikan karyawan tersebut menjadi kepercayaan perusahaan sehingga memuluskan jalannya menuju kesuksesan yang diharapkan
Jangan Pernah Menyerah untuk Mencoba-cara baru. Tetap Semangat untuk Inovasi.
Karena Berhenti Mencoba adalah kegagalan yang nyata maka Tetap Mencoba dan Inovasi tinggi pastilah mendatangkan Kesuksesan.
Rabu, November 25, 2009
Motivasi: Kegagalan itu berhenti mencoba
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Label: Analisa Data Statistik, MOTIVASI, Olah Data Statistik, TIPS
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, MOTIVASI, Olah Data Statistik, TIPS

Label: Analisa Data Statistik, MOTIVASI, Olah Data Statistik, TIPS
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, MOTIVASI, Olah Data Statistik, TIPS
Senin, November 23, 2009
Tips Memilih Hewan Kurban yang Sehat
Hari Raya Idul Adha tinggal hitungan hari. Tentu bagi yang muslim, merupakan salah satu hari besar agama Islam. Tradisi berkurban begitu marak di seantero Indonesia. Nah, bagaimana tips mencari hewan kurban yang baik dan sehat? berikut artikel yang saya ambil dari Detik. Selamat membaca.
Ratusan kambing dan sapi memasuki Jakarta dari berbagai daerah. Meski para penjual sudah mengantongi sertifikat dari Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan (P2K) Pemprov DKI, tak ada salahnya mengetahui ciri-ciri kambing sehat.
Konsumen tak hanya perlu menanyakan sertifikat sehat dari Dinas tapi konsumen juga perlu mengetahui ciri-ciri kambing yang trengginas dan bugar di luar standar kesehatan medis.
"Kalau sertifikat kesehatan dari dinas kami punya," ujar penjual kambing Bejo (60) asal Wonosobo yang mangkal Jl Kemayoran Gempol, Kel Kebon Kosong, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/11/2009).
Kakek yang telah puluhan tahun menjual kambing ini memberikan tips-tips memilih kambing yang masuk kriteria tersebut. Yaitu mata tidak belekan (keluar cairan) dan sinar matanya cemerlang. Dari segi postur harus trengginas, lincah dan tidak tiduran terus atau meringkuk.
"Khusus sapi, bulu jangan terlalu njabrik (berdiri), itu sakit. Tapi kalau kambing tidak terlalu kelihatan," beber kakek yang mempunyai 5 karyawan.
Untuk kambing-kambing miliknya, diambil dari Wonosobo, Magelang dan Temanggung. Di tempat asalnya, dia membeli senilai Rp 900 ribu - Rp1,2juta per ekor. Kemudian, dia menjual di Kemayoran menjadi Rp 1,5 juta - Rp 2juta per ekor.
Dalam satu kali musim Lebaran Idul Adha, dia bisa menjual ratusan kambing.
"Selain untuk keuntungan juga biaya perawatan, transportasi, biaya hidup di Jakarta dan sebagainya," pungkasnya.
Ratusan kambing dan sapi memasuki Jakarta dari berbagai daerah. Meski para penjual sudah mengantongi sertifikat dari Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan (P2K) Pemprov DKI, tak ada salahnya mengetahui ciri-ciri kambing sehat.
Konsumen tak hanya perlu menanyakan sertifikat sehat dari Dinas tapi konsumen juga perlu mengetahui ciri-ciri kambing yang trengginas dan bugar di luar standar kesehatan medis.
"Kalau sertifikat kesehatan dari dinas kami punya," ujar penjual kambing Bejo (60) asal Wonosobo yang mangkal Jl Kemayoran Gempol, Kel Kebon Kosong, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat kepada detikcom, Selasa (24/11/2009).
Kakek yang telah puluhan tahun menjual kambing ini memberikan tips-tips memilih kambing yang masuk kriteria tersebut. Yaitu mata tidak belekan (keluar cairan) dan sinar matanya cemerlang. Dari segi postur harus trengginas, lincah dan tidak tiduran terus atau meringkuk.
"Khusus sapi, bulu jangan terlalu njabrik (berdiri), itu sakit. Tapi kalau kambing tidak terlalu kelihatan," beber kakek yang mempunyai 5 karyawan.
Untuk kambing-kambing miliknya, diambil dari Wonosobo, Magelang dan Temanggung. Di tempat asalnya, dia membeli senilai Rp 900 ribu - Rp1,2juta per ekor. Kemudian, dia menjual di Kemayoran menjadi Rp 1,5 juta - Rp 2juta per ekor.
Dalam satu kali musim Lebaran Idul Adha, dia bisa menjual ratusan kambing.
"Selain untuk keuntungan juga biaya perawatan, transportasi, biaya hidup di Jakarta dan sebagainya," pungkasnya.
Kamis, November 19, 2009
As one of leading bank in Indonesia established since 1955, CIMB Niaga (formerly known as Bank Niaga) is currently the sixth largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets. We have proven our achievement with the spirit of professionalism and our commitment in Good Corporate Governance.
Due to our rapid growth in becoming universal bank, we invite you to be one of our Winning Team. In CIMB Niaga, you'll find the best career advancement and personal development as we are chosen to be the first Employer of Choice in banking industry.
So, if you're an enthusiast and self driven person who are also a good team player, you're welcome to Grow With Us as:
1. Branch Manager / Relationship Manager for Corporate Banking Group (Middle-up
2. Marketing/ Sales Treasury for Treasury Management Group (Junior Officer)
3. Account Officer Funding/ Lending for Commercial Banking (Junior & Middle
4. Collection Consumer for Retail Collection & Recovery Group (Junior Officer)
5. Usage Departement Head for Card Marketing & Sales Group (Middle Officer)
6. Assistant Sales Officer for Consumer Banking (Staff)
7. Secretary
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
General requirements:
1. Bachelor's Degree with min. GPA 2.5 (no.1,2,3,4,5), Diploma Degree with min.
GPA 2.75 (no.6) and Diploma Degree from Academy Secretary with min. GPA 2.75
2. Maximum age of 27 (no. 6,7), 35 (no. 2,3,4), & 38 years old (no.1,5)
3. Minimum 1 year (no.6,7), 2 years (no. 2,3,4,5), and 4 years (no. 1) proven
experience in similar position
4. Preferably female (no.1)
5. Single (no. 6,7)
6. Understand Treasury products, especially derivative products (no.2)
7. Has wide customer base and target oriented (no. 1,2,3,6)
8. Ready to be place in any branches, especially Sumatera (no.4)
9. Has good networks in courthouse/ KPKNL/ local police authority, especially in
Medan (no.4)
10. Has merchants database (no.5)
11. Able to work under pressure
Recruitment & Career Management Division PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, Tbk Griya Niaga 1 Bintaro 3rd floor Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok B4 no. 3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Tangerang 15224 for (no.1,2,3,4,5) and for (no.6,7)
As one of leading bank in Indonesia established since 1955, CIMB Niaga (formerly known as Bank Niaga) is currently the sixth largest bank in Indonesia in terms of assets. We have proven our achievement with the spirit of professionalism and our commitment in Good Corporate Governance.
Due to our rapid growth in becoming universal bank, we invite you to be one of our Winning Team. In CIMB Niaga, you'll find the best career advancement and personal development as we are chosen to be the first Employer of Choice in banking industry.
So, if you're an enthusiast and self driven person who are also a good team player, you're welcome to Grow With Us as:
1. Branch Manager / Relationship Manager for Corporate Banking Group (Middle-up
2. Marketing/ Sales Treasury for Treasury Management Group (Junior Officer)
3. Account Officer Funding/ Lending for Commercial Banking (Junior & Middle
4. Collection Consumer for Retail Collection & Recovery Group (Junior Officer)
5. Usage Departement Head for Card Marketing & Sales Group (Middle Officer)
6. Assistant Sales Officer for Consumer Banking (Staff)
7. Secretary
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
General requirements:
1. Bachelor's Degree with min. GPA 2.5 (no.1,2,3,4,5), Diploma Degree with min.
GPA 2.75 (no.6) and Diploma Degree from Academy Secretary with min. GPA 2.75
2. Maximum age of 27 (no. 6,7), 35 (no. 2,3,4), & 38 years old (no.1,5)
3. Minimum 1 year (no.6,7), 2 years (no. 2,3,4,5), and 4 years (no. 1) proven
experience in similar position
4. Preferably female (no.1)
5. Single (no. 6,7)
6. Understand Treasury products, especially derivative products (no.2)
7. Has wide customer base and target oriented (no. 1,2,3,6)
8. Ready to be place in any branches, especially Sumatera (no.4)
9. Has good networks in courthouse/ KPKNL/ local police authority, especially in
Medan (no.4)
10. Has merchants database (no.5)
11. Able to work under pressure
Recruitment & Career Management Division PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, Tbk Griya Niaga 1 Bintaro 3rd floor Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok B4 no. 3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Tangerang 15224 for (no.1,2,3,4,5) and for (no.6,7)
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Label: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik

Label: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Panin Bank is the 7th largest bank in Indonesia with more than 358 offices spreading in 25 provinces. We are aiming to become the leader of retail financial services provider in Indonesia and invite you to play important role in Panin Bankks Head Office Jakarta for positions as follows:
1. Core Banking Financial Analyst (CBFA)
2. Core Banking Transaction Analyst (CBTA)
3. Core Banking Regulatory Reporting Analyst (CBRRA)
4. Core Banking Product Analyst (CBPA)
5. Core Banking Trainer (CBT)
6. Analyst Programmer RPG AS/400 (APRPG)
7. Analyst Programmer Java Oracle (APJAO)
8. Quality Assurance Banking System Application (QABSA)
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
1. Min Academic Degree : S1 IT Finance/Banking
2. At least 2 years experience in implementation of core banking system preferably ICBS
3. Strong knowledge in Banking Finance, General Ledger and Accounting standard. (CBFA)
4. Strong knowledge in front office transactions including remittance and clearing (CBTA)
5. At least 2 years experience in analyzing the business processes and providing recommendations for improvement (CBTA)
6. Strong knowledge in Bank Indonesia and other Authorities Reporting System, AS/400 file data structure and Portal environment. (CBRRA)
7. Strong knowledge in banking products, including funding, lending and investments (CBPA)
8.At least 2 years experience in programming (APRPG)
9.Strong knowledge in Testing Methodology (QABSA)
10. Having exposure programming (APRPG)
11. Strong knowledge in banking product and operations, training coordination
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Excellent skill in MS Office including MS Access
- Willing to learn, smart, dynamic, creative, able to work both independently and in a team and work under pressure in a tight time frame
- Problem solver, excellent analytical skill, precise in writing reports and able to deliver good presentations
Submit your complete application and recent colored photograph to:
PO BOX 3517 JKP 10035
Write down your position code on upper left corner of the envelope
Only short listed candidates will be notified
Panin Bank is the 7th largest bank in Indonesia with more than 358 offices spreading in 25 provinces. We are aiming to become the leader of retail financial services provider in Indonesia and invite you to play important role in Panin Bankks Head Office Jakarta for positions as follows:
1. Core Banking Financial Analyst (CBFA)
2. Core Banking Transaction Analyst (CBTA)
3. Core Banking Regulatory Reporting Analyst (CBRRA)
4. Core Banking Product Analyst (CBPA)
5. Core Banking Trainer (CBT)
6. Analyst Programmer RPG AS/400 (APRPG)
7. Analyst Programmer Java Oracle (APJAO)
8. Quality Assurance Banking System Application (QABSA)
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
1. Min Academic Degree : S1 IT Finance/Banking
2. At least 2 years experience in implementation of core banking system preferably ICBS
3. Strong knowledge in Banking Finance, General Ledger and Accounting standard. (CBFA)
4. Strong knowledge in front office transactions including remittance and clearing (CBTA)
5. At least 2 years experience in analyzing the business processes and providing recommendations for improvement (CBTA)
6. Strong knowledge in Bank Indonesia and other Authorities Reporting System, AS/400 file data structure and Portal environment. (CBRRA)
7. Strong knowledge in banking products, including funding, lending and investments (CBPA)
8.At least 2 years experience in programming (APRPG)
9.Strong knowledge in Testing Methodology (QABSA)
10. Having exposure programming (APRPG)
11. Strong knowledge in banking product and operations, training coordination
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Excellent skill in MS Office including MS Access
- Willing to learn, smart, dynamic, creative, able to work both independently and in a team and work under pressure in a tight time frame
- Problem solver, excellent analytical skill, precise in writing reports and able to deliver good presentations
Submit your complete application and recent colored photograph to:
PO BOX 3517 JKP 10035
Write down your position code on upper left corner of the envelope
Only short listed candidates will be notified
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Label: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik

Label: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
As the pioneer of modern banking in most of Asian Countries, HSBC (HSBC (formerly known as The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) has had long history in Indonesia. Since HSBC opened its first Indonesian office in Jakarta (which known as Batavia) in 1884, HSBC has been providing various kinds of banking service and products to the Indonesian customers, whishing to develop trade and investment opportunities. Initially started to serve the important sugar trade, and then expanded its operation to Surabaya in 1896. Later in 1994 HSBC upgraded its Semarang agency, which has been operating since 1878, into a full branch. During challenging times in the Indonesian market where the Bank was forced to close operation during World War II, and in the mid-1960s, HSBC strengths were really put on trial. Having managed to re-open its operation in Indonesia after the World War II and similarly after the closure in mid-1960s, the Bank was granted a new banking license in 1968 wherein the Bank has remains steadily solid ever since and retained its position as one of the largest foreign banks operating in Indonesia.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
At HSBC, the balance of life of our employee is always be our first priority.That is why many of our people consider their office as their second home, a place where they can enjoy their work. We offer you the opportunity to become our new member of the House. Please explore this opportunity to find out more:
Staff Premier Banking Trainee -
(Jakarta / Bandung / Semarang / Surabaya)
* Hold a minimum of a Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
* Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
* Possess excellent communication and presentation skills.
* Strong passion in selling activities and customer focused. # Commercial acumen
* Demonstrate a high degree of credibility and integrity.
* Has a minimum 6 months working experiences in sales or service function at financial institution.
The job holder is responsible to acquire new high-networth customer and promote HSBC wealth management products. As the Trainee, you will be given appropriate training program, clear career path within the Sales and Distribution stream and rewarding incentive scheme.
If you meet the above requirements and seek a rewarding career and the opportunity to develop with a progressive international bank, please send your detailed CV (in English) to address below before 10 Dec 2009 :
HSBC – Human Resources Department
address: World Trade Center, 4th Floor,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920
As the pioneer of modern banking in most of Asian Countries, HSBC (HSBC (formerly known as The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) has had long history in Indonesia. Since HSBC opened its first Indonesian office in Jakarta (which known as Batavia) in 1884, HSBC has been providing various kinds of banking service and products to the Indonesian customers, whishing to develop trade and investment opportunities. Initially started to serve the important sugar trade, and then expanded its operation to Surabaya in 1896. Later in 1994 HSBC upgraded its Semarang agency, which has been operating since 1878, into a full branch. During challenging times in the Indonesian market where the Bank was forced to close operation during World War II, and in the mid-1960s, HSBC strengths were really put on trial. Having managed to re-open its operation in Indonesia after the World War II and similarly after the closure in mid-1960s, the Bank was granted a new banking license in 1968 wherein the Bank has remains steadily solid ever since and retained its position as one of the largest foreign banks operating in Indonesia.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
At HSBC, the balance of life of our employee is always be our first priority.That is why many of our people consider their office as their second home, a place where they can enjoy their work. We offer you the opportunity to become our new member of the House. Please explore this opportunity to find out more:
Staff Premier Banking Trainee -
(Jakarta / Bandung / Semarang / Surabaya)
* Hold a minimum of a Bachelor Degree from a reputable university.
* Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
* Possess excellent communication and presentation skills.
* Strong passion in selling activities and customer focused. # Commercial acumen
* Demonstrate a high degree of credibility and integrity.
* Has a minimum 6 months working experiences in sales or service function at financial institution.
The job holder is responsible to acquire new high-networth customer and promote HSBC wealth management products. As the Trainee, you will be given appropriate training program, clear career path within the Sales and Distribution stream and rewarding incentive scheme.
If you meet the above requirements and seek a rewarding career and the opportunity to develop with a progressive international bank, please send your detailed CV (in English) to address below before 10 Dec 2009 :
HSBC – Human Resources Department
address: World Trade Center, 4th Floor,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920
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Label: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik

Label: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, LOWONGAN KERJA, Olah Data Statistik
PhD opportunity in Geodynamics at the Bayerisches Geoinstitut (Bayreuth, Germany)
The Bayerisches Geoinstitute offers a PhD position in the field of Geodynamics.
The focus of the research will be on the effect of continental lids on the efficiency of mantle convective stirring.
Interpreting surface geochemical data requires the understanding of the mechanisms that can preserve or erase chemical heterogeneities over geological times. The effect of continental lids is known to have a first order impact on mantle convective dynamics and heat transfer. In particular it has be shown that the presence of continents influences the convective wavelength and the time dependency of the mantle motions. However the consequences on the efficiency of convective stirring have not been quantified and studied systematically. This will be the main objective of this thesis, using 2D and 3D numerical modeling of mantle convective motions.
Applicants should hold a master degree in Physics, Geophysics or equivalent. We are seeking for candidates with a solid background in fluid dynamics and heat transfer, knowledge in numerical methods and in one or more programming language (Fortran , C …).
Decent computational facilities are available at the Bayerisches Geoinstitute ( ) and at the University of Bayreuth. Funds will be available for attending international conferences and workshops.
The position to be filled up as soon as possible, will be awarded for a period of three years.
To apply, please send the following documents in electronic form to : henri.samuel[at]
- A Curiculum Vitae
- The contact information of at least two referees
( )
The focus of the research will be on the effect of continental lids on the efficiency of mantle convective stirring.
Interpreting surface geochemical data requires the understanding of the mechanisms that can preserve or erase chemical heterogeneities over geological times. The effect of continental lids is known to have a first order impact on mantle convective dynamics and heat transfer. In particular it has be shown that the presence of continents influences the convective wavelength and the time dependency of the mantle motions. However the consequences on the efficiency of convective stirring have not been quantified and studied systematically. This will be the main objective of this thesis, using 2D and 3D numerical modeling of mantle convective motions.
Applicants should hold a master degree in Physics, Geophysics or equivalent. We are seeking for candidates with a solid background in fluid dynamics and heat transfer, knowledge in numerical methods and in one or more programming language (Fortran , C …).
Decent computational facilities are available at the Bayerisches Geoinstitute ( ) and at the University of Bayreuth. Funds will be available for attending international conferences and workshops.
The position to be filled up as soon as possible, will be awarded for a period of three years.
To apply, please send the following documents in electronic form to : henri.samuel[at]
- A Curiculum Vitae
- The contact information of at least two referees
( )
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Scholarship for positions in EECS at Carleton University, Canada
Several openings are available for self-motivated PhD students in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Canada. The positions will start in either Spring or Fall 2010. The successful candidates are expected to research on advanced wireless networking systems.
1. A Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering is preferred
2. A good background in mathematics and networking/communications/security
3. Good GPA in related fields
If you are interested in the position, please email your resume/CV to Prof. F. Richard Yu at Please also visit for further information.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
1. A Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering is preferred
2. A good background in mathematics and networking/communications/security
3. Good GPA in related fields
If you are interested in the position, please email your resume/CV to Prof. F. Richard Yu at Please also visit for further information.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Scholarships from The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF)
The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance starting in fall 2010. Up to six scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.
The program is open for students from all countries with all academic specializations, provided they hold a Master degree or equivalent and have sufficient level of formal training. Students who are going to graduate soon (by June 2010) may apply, too. To participate in the selection process a candidate's application must be received by January 7, 2010.
The VGSF PhD program in Finance consists of two parts: rigorous coursework and work on the PhD thesis. The students attend courses covering all major topics in finance and analytical methods required for research. In particular, the courses focus on Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing and Quantitative Methods in Finance. In the past academic years students had the chance to attend courses taught by international scholars such as Tomas Björk, Christopher Hennessy, David Lando, Jacob Sagi, Rossen Valkanov, Jiang Wang and Toni Whited. After passing the required exams, students start to conduct research projects on their own. In our weekly research seminar students have the opportunity to meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their state-of-the art research.
For further information on the PhD program and the application please visit our website:
Josef Zechner,
Director of the PhD Program
Source :
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) invites excellent students to apply for the PhD Program in Finance starting in fall 2010. Up to six scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.
The program is open for students from all countries with all academic specializations, provided they hold a Master degree or equivalent and have sufficient level of formal training. Students who are going to graduate soon (by June 2010) may apply, too. To participate in the selection process a candidate's application must be received by January 7, 2010.
The VGSF PhD program in Finance consists of two parts: rigorous coursework and work on the PhD thesis. The students attend courses covering all major topics in finance and analytical methods required for research. In particular, the courses focus on Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing and Quantitative Methods in Finance. In the past academic years students had the chance to attend courses taught by international scholars such as Tomas Björk, Christopher Hennessy, David Lando, Jacob Sagi, Rossen Valkanov, Jiang Wang and Toni Whited. After passing the required exams, students start to conduct research projects on their own. In our weekly research seminar students have the opportunity to meet internationally renowned scholars presenting their state-of-the art research.
For further information on the PhD program and the application please visit our website:
Josef Zechner,
Director of the PhD Program
Source :
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
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Doctoral Programs: PhD Position in Applied Mathematics, Vienna University of Tech., Austria
Ph.D. student and postdoc positions
We are looking for a Ph.D. student and a postdoc for the FWF Project Cross-diffusion in chemotaxis and tumor growth models, financed for three years. The Ph.D. candidate should have a diploma or master in Mathematics with a good knowledge in the analysis and/or numerical approximation of partial differential equations. The postdoc should have a qualified Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a good research record. Both candidates are expected to be interested in mathematical questions concerning mathematical biology. The salary is according to the standards of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, see here for the salaries (in German).
Interested candidates should send their application (CV, diploma/Ph.D. copies, references etc.) preferrably by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT), before November 10, 2009 (postdoc position) and before November 31, 2009 (Ph.D. student position). The Vienna University of Technology aims to enlarge the number of female scientists. Therefore, female graduates and female postdocs are particularly encouraged to apply.
For questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT)
website link:
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
We are looking for a Ph.D. student and a postdoc for the FWF Project Cross-diffusion in chemotaxis and tumor growth models, financed for three years. The Ph.D. candidate should have a diploma or master in Mathematics with a good knowledge in the analysis and/or numerical approximation of partial differential equations. The postdoc should have a qualified Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and a good research record. Both candidates are expected to be interested in mathematical questions concerning mathematical biology. The salary is according to the standards of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, see here for the salaries (in German).
Interested candidates should send their application (CV, diploma/Ph.D. copies, references etc.) preferrably by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT), before November 10, 2009 (postdoc position) and before November 31, 2009 (Ph.D. student position). The Vienna University of Technology aims to enlarge the number of female scientists. Therefore, female graduates and female postdocs are particularly encouraged to apply.
For questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Ansgar Jüngel, juengel(AT)
website link:
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Doctoral Position (Research and Teaching Assistant)
Chair of Professor J. Goeree
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
The candidate is expected to do research during a period of four years leading to a doctoral
thesis. In addition, he or she will be involved in teaching activities. A bachelor’s or master’s
degree in economics, mathematics or physics is required. The focus of the research in our
group is on microeconomics, in particular, auction theory and mechanism design. We
encourage applications of young researchers who want to benefit from and contribute to a
stimulating environment at an internationally renowned economics department.
The candidate will attend doctoral courses offered by UZH. The thesis typically consists of
three pieces of original research, including both single-authored and co-authored papers.
Please send applications by email to We plan to fill the position by February 1, 2010.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
The candidate is expected to do research during a period of four years leading to a doctoral
thesis. In addition, he or she will be involved in teaching activities. A bachelor’s or master’s
degree in economics, mathematics or physics is required. The focus of the research in our
group is on microeconomics, in particular, auction theory and mechanism design. We
encourage applications of young researchers who want to benefit from and contribute to a
stimulating environment at an internationally renowned economics department.
The candidate will attend doctoral courses offered by UZH. The thesis typically consists of
three pieces of original research, including both single-authored and co-authored papers.
Please send applications by email to We plan to fill the position by February 1, 2010.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
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Doctoral Programs: 11 PhD Fellowships in SEACOT project
Surface Engineering for Antifouling -
Coordinated Advanced Training (SEACOAT)
This is a temporary web page intended to support recruitment to the network. A more detailed web-site will be running soon
Positions available:
11 Early Stage Researcher (PhD) Fellowships
6 Experienced Researcher (post-doc) Fellowships
Applications are invited for Early Stage Researcher Fellowships (leading to a PhD) and Experienced Researcher Fellowships (post-docs) funded through a Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Most positions are due to start on March 1st 2010 or soon thereafter.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
The SEACOAT Network:
The main research goal of the project is to improve understanding of biointerfacial processes involved in the colonisation of surfaces by marine fouling organisms. This will inform the future development of new, environmentally-benign materials and coatings for the practical control of marine biofouling.
Our principal objective is to discover which nano- and micro-scale physico-chemical properties of surfaces influence the adhesion of fouling organisms, through the use of surface engineering technologies to fabricate coatings that vary systematically in relevant surface properties, and length scales.
We will use advanced surface analytical methods to characterise test surfaces for relevant physico-chemical surface properties and how these change after immersion. Parallel adhesion bioassays using a range of representative marine organisms will test intrinsic antifouling properties of surfaces.
Fellows’ individual projects will be integrated into one comprehensive research and training network which is strongly based on exchange and transfers between academia and industry. The network will also provide fellows with network-wide training activities (4 Advanced Training Courses, an international Workshop/symposium). All fellows are expected to collaborate with other Partners in the Consortium through secondments and visits.
Coordinated Advanced Training (SEACOAT)
This is a temporary web page intended to support recruitment to the network. A more detailed web-site will be running soon
Positions available:
11 Early Stage Researcher (PhD) Fellowships
6 Experienced Researcher (post-doc) Fellowships
Applications are invited for Early Stage Researcher Fellowships (leading to a PhD) and Experienced Researcher Fellowships (post-docs) funded through a Marie Curie Initial Training Network. Most positions are due to start on March 1st 2010 or soon thereafter.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
The SEACOAT Network:
The main research goal of the project is to improve understanding of biointerfacial processes involved in the colonisation of surfaces by marine fouling organisms. This will inform the future development of new, environmentally-benign materials and coatings for the practical control of marine biofouling.
Our principal objective is to discover which nano- and micro-scale physico-chemical properties of surfaces influence the adhesion of fouling organisms, through the use of surface engineering technologies to fabricate coatings that vary systematically in relevant surface properties, and length scales.
We will use advanced surface analytical methods to characterise test surfaces for relevant physico-chemical surface properties and how these change after immersion. Parallel adhesion bioassays using a range of representative marine organisms will test intrinsic antifouling properties of surfaces.
Fellows’ individual projects will be integrated into one comprehensive research and training network which is strongly based on exchange and transfers between academia and industry. The network will also provide fellows with network-wide training activities (4 Advanced Training Courses, an international Workshop/symposium). All fellows are expected to collaborate with other Partners in the Consortium through secondments and visits.
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Scholarship from The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments will
admit fifteen PhD students to its doctoral program to begin October 1, 2010. Ten of these
candidates will receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported
in their quest for funding.
The Graduate School investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connectedness
of Muslim cultures and societies. It invites applications from candidates whose
dissertation project fits one of the Graduate School’s Research Areas.
Successful applicants will have a master’s degree in one of the disciplines
represented at the Graduate School, with a ranking, where applicable, of above
average. The language of communication is English. Admission is for one year,
and, contingent upon a positive evaluation after the first year of study, will be
extended for another twelve months. Admission and grant can be extended for
a total of three years.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
The application package needs to include the following documents: a completed and
signed application form; an outline of the dissertation project (up to 6 pages, with a brief
summary); a signed curriculum vitae; two letters of reference; certified copies of degrees
received; evidence of proficiency in the language(s) relevant to the dissertation project;
and for non-native speakers of English, proof of proficiency in English. Holders of PhD
scholarships that were awarded on the basis of academic references for the same project
with which applicants apply to the Graduate School can submit copies of these
Applications will be reviewed by the School’s Admissions and Grants Committee.
The complete application package must be submitted by November 30, 2009 to:
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Managing Director
Dr Arnim Heinemann
Altensteinstr. 48
14195 Berlin
For further information, please contact the Graduate School’s office at
For more information visit our website at
admit fifteen PhD students to its doctoral program to begin October 1, 2010. Ten of these
candidates will receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported
in their quest for funding.
The Graduate School investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connectedness
of Muslim cultures and societies. It invites applications from candidates whose
dissertation project fits one of the Graduate School’s Research Areas.
Successful applicants will have a master’s degree in one of the disciplines
represented at the Graduate School, with a ranking, where applicable, of above
average. The language of communication is English. Admission is for one year,
and, contingent upon a positive evaluation after the first year of study, will be
extended for another twelve months. Admission and grant can be extended for
a total of three years.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
The application package needs to include the following documents: a completed and
signed application form; an outline of the dissertation project (up to 6 pages, with a brief
summary); a signed curriculum vitae; two letters of reference; certified copies of degrees
received; evidence of proficiency in the language(s) relevant to the dissertation project;
and for non-native speakers of English, proof of proficiency in English. Holders of PhD
scholarships that were awarded on the basis of academic references for the same project
with which applicants apply to the Graduate School can submit copies of these
Applications will be reviewed by the School’s Admissions and Grants Committee.
The complete application package must be submitted by November 30, 2009 to:
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
Managing Director
Dr Arnim Heinemann
Altensteinstr. 48
14195 Berlin
For further information, please contact the Graduate School’s office at
For more information visit our website at
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Scholarship for Master Degrees Progams: Master of Public Policy, NUS
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is a graduate school of the
National University of Singapore consistently ranked amongst the top 30
universities in the world by QS World University Rankings 2008. The School
aims to educate, train and generate ideas amongst a new generation of
globally minded policymakers and leaders from the public and private
sectors. Our students are entrepreneurs, public sector officials,
ambassadors, senators, editors, and aspiring leaders who are working on the
ground to make a difference.
The School currently attracts over 300 outstanding candidates from more than
50 countries, including China, India, USA and South East Asia and
Europe. These students come from diverse backgrounds in the public and
private sector.
The School also attracts global luminaries including former Prime Minister
of Britain, Tony Blair, President of World Bank Robert B. Zoellick, Nobel
Laureate Amartya Sen amongst others.
Under the leadership of Dean Kishore Mahbubani, a world renowned public
intellectual and former UN Ambassador from Singapore, the school has made a
mark globally.
The LKY School is the first Asian School to be admitted into the prestigious
Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) set up by Columbia University’s School
of International & Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics &
Political Science (LSE) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
(Sciences Po). The school offers its students a unique opportunity to gain a
double Masters degree with one of its GPPN partners. We also have a long
standing partnership with the Harvard Kennedy School.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
======================================*Master in Public Administration *
The MPA programme is a one-year degree for mid-career professionals with
more than five years of professional experience. The MPA is designed to
enhance the effectiveness of mid-career professionals from the public,
private and non-profit sectors in addressing complex, multidimensional
policy issues. The MPA programme places great emphasis on management and
*Master in Public Policy *
The MPP programme is a two-year degree for young professionals with 1-5
years of experience. Students learn the fundamental skills of public policy
analysis from the disciplines of politics, economics, and public management.
They also have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a specific
area by electing to focus their studies on one of five specializations:
Development Studies; Economic Policy and Analysis; International Relations
and Security Studies; Social and Environmental Policy; and Public Management
and Governance. Finally to provide an element of direct practical
experience, MPP students undertake a public policy or management study (the
Policy Analysis Exercise) for a client in the public, private or non-profit
*Double Degree Opportunities at Columbia University, LSE or Sciences Po*
The MPP programme also offers the invaluable opportunity for qualifying
students to obtain a double degree from the LKY School as well as from one
of our partner institutes which include Columbia University’s School of
International and Public Affairs (SIPA), London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE), and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
(Sciences Po). Students spend one year in Singapore and the second year in
New York, London or Paris, and quite often the school provides full-funding
for the students to study there.
*Fully funded scholarships are available to outstanding candidates.
More information, along with programme application booklets, are available
online at http://www.lkyspp. The deadline for the MPP and MPA
applications with scholarship is 31 January 2010 for intake in July 2010.
National University of Singapore consistently ranked amongst the top 30
universities in the world by QS World University Rankings 2008. The School
aims to educate, train and generate ideas amongst a new generation of
globally minded policymakers and leaders from the public and private
sectors. Our students are entrepreneurs, public sector officials,
ambassadors, senators, editors, and aspiring leaders who are working on the
ground to make a difference.
The School currently attracts over 300 outstanding candidates from more than
50 countries, including China, India, USA and South East Asia and
Europe. These students come from diverse backgrounds in the public and
private sector.
The School also attracts global luminaries including former Prime Minister
of Britain, Tony Blair, President of World Bank Robert B. Zoellick, Nobel
Laureate Amartya Sen amongst others.
Under the leadership of Dean Kishore Mahbubani, a world renowned public
intellectual and former UN Ambassador from Singapore, the school has made a
mark globally.
The LKY School is the first Asian School to be admitted into the prestigious
Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) set up by Columbia University’s School
of International & Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics &
Political Science (LSE) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
(Sciences Po). The school offers its students a unique opportunity to gain a
double Masters degree with one of its GPPN partners. We also have a long
standing partnership with the Harvard Kennedy School.
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
======================================*Master in Public Administration *
The MPA programme is a one-year degree for mid-career professionals with
more than five years of professional experience. The MPA is designed to
enhance the effectiveness of mid-career professionals from the public,
private and non-profit sectors in addressing complex, multidimensional
policy issues. The MPA programme places great emphasis on management and
*Master in Public Policy *
The MPP programme is a two-year degree for young professionals with 1-5
years of experience. Students learn the fundamental skills of public policy
analysis from the disciplines of politics, economics, and public management.
They also have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a specific
area by electing to focus their studies on one of five specializations:
Development Studies; Economic Policy and Analysis; International Relations
and Security Studies; Social and Environmental Policy; and Public Management
and Governance. Finally to provide an element of direct practical
experience, MPP students undertake a public policy or management study (the
Policy Analysis Exercise) for a client in the public, private or non-profit
*Double Degree Opportunities at Columbia University, LSE or Sciences Po*
The MPP programme also offers the invaluable opportunity for qualifying
students to obtain a double degree from the LKY School as well as from one
of our partner institutes which include Columbia University’s School of
International and Public Affairs (SIPA), London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE), and Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
(Sciences Po). Students spend one year in Singapore and the second year in
New York, London or Paris, and quite often the school provides full-funding
for the students to study there.
*Fully funded scholarships are available to outstanding candidates.
More information, along with programme application booklets, are available
online at http://www.lkyspp. The deadline for the MPP and MPA
applications with scholarship is 31 January 2010 for intake in July 2010.
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
Teacher Training Programs: Monbukagakusho Scholarship (Teacher Upgrading)
Registration for the departure in 2009 will be opened on 16 November and closed on January 29, 2010
Teacher Upgrading Program (Teacher Training Program) is one of the Japanese Government scholarship programs (Monbukagakusho) specifically designed for teachers for teaching in accordance with improving qualities. They will be given training in how to teach, making the teaching-learning plan more effectively and attract students and other things that can improve and quality of teachers. This program is a non-degree programs and the length is 1 year 6 months (including 6-month Japanese language learning) from October 2010.
1. Graduates of S-1 or D-4, and teachers who are actively teaching in elementary, junior, senior high school (including private schools and vocational).
2. Applicant has taught more than 5 years of formal education institutions on April 1, 2010. All fields are offered except, the Indonesian language, local language, Arabic language, religious education and hospitality.
3. Age under 35 years old on April 1, 2010.
4. Physically and spiritually healthy. (female applicants are not allowed in the pregnant condition)
5. Willing to learn Japanese because the language of instruction at the university is in Japanese.
1. Without the bond department.
2. Return economy ticket Indonesia (Jakarta) - Japan.
3. Free entrance exam fees, tuition and registration fee.
4. Monthly allowance of ¥ 170,000 per month (there is a possibility to change).
5. Participants are provided with dormitory regulated solely by payment recipients.
1. Registration opened on 16 November 2009 and closed on January 29, 2010.
2. For applicants, both public and private employees can directly submit / send the completed form to the Education Section Embassy of Japan with the necessary documents attached.
3. For applicants with the status of permanent civil servants to report and submit a photocopy of the form to the Bureau of International Cooperation (BKLN) Ministry of National Education.
(incomplete documents will not be received)
1. Form.
2. Passport photo (must be affixed on the form).
3. Diploma and transcripts.
4. Letter from the teaching that explains that the applicant is a faculty member who is still actively teaching and approved this scholarship program.
5. Letter of recommendation from employers about the person of the applicant.
* All documents should be written in English or Japanese.
Selection Steps
1. English written test (especially for teachers of Japanese: Japanese language test) on February 16, 2010.
2. Those who passed the written examination will be invited for an interview in Jakarta.
3. Those who pass the interview will be recommended to Monbukagakusho.
4. Those who pass the selection in the Monbukagakusho will receive scholarship recipients
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
Teacher Upgrading Program (Teacher Training Program) is one of the Japanese Government scholarship programs (Monbukagakusho) specifically designed for teachers for teaching in accordance with improving qualities. They will be given training in how to teach, making the teaching-learning plan more effectively and attract students and other things that can improve and quality of teachers. This program is a non-degree programs and the length is 1 year 6 months (including 6-month Japanese language learning) from October 2010.
1. Graduates of S-1 or D-4, and teachers who are actively teaching in elementary, junior, senior high school (including private schools and vocational).
2. Applicant has taught more than 5 years of formal education institutions on April 1, 2010. All fields are offered except, the Indonesian language, local language, Arabic language, religious education and hospitality.
3. Age under 35 years old on April 1, 2010.
4. Physically and spiritually healthy. (female applicants are not allowed in the pregnant condition)
5. Willing to learn Japanese because the language of instruction at the university is in Japanese.
1. Without the bond department.
2. Return economy ticket Indonesia (Jakarta) - Japan.
3. Free entrance exam fees, tuition and registration fee.
4. Monthly allowance of ¥ 170,000 per month (there is a possibility to change).
5. Participants are provided with dormitory regulated solely by payment recipients.
1. Registration opened on 16 November 2009 and closed on January 29, 2010.
2. For applicants, both public and private employees can directly submit / send the completed form to the Education Section Embassy of Japan with the necessary documents attached.
3. For applicants with the status of permanent civil servants to report and submit a photocopy of the form to the Bureau of International Cooperation (BKLN) Ministry of National Education.
(incomplete documents will not be received)
1. Form.
2. Passport photo (must be affixed on the form).
3. Diploma and transcripts.
4. Letter from the teaching that explains that the applicant is a faculty member who is still actively teaching and approved this scholarship program.
5. Letter of recommendation from employers about the person of the applicant.
* All documents should be written in English or Japanese.
Selection Steps
1. English written test (especially for teachers of Japanese: Japanese language test) on February 16, 2010.
2. Those who passed the written examination will be invited for an interview in Jakarta.
3. Those who pass the interview will be recommended to Monbukagakusho.
4. Those who pass the selection in the Monbukagakusho will receive scholarship recipients
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Info Beasiswa, Olah Data Statistik
GRATIS e-book untuk Lejitkan bisnis Anda dengan Trik Soft Marketing via Blogging
Dear Pelanggan Juragan Tahu Gezrot dimana pun berada :) terutama bagi Anda yang sudah/sedang memikirkan mempunyai suatu bisnis. Adakalanya bisnis kita sedang hot dan ada kalanya sedang down. Tentu kita ingin tetap agar bisnis kita selalu lancar dan hot selalu :) oleh karena itu diperlukan cara-cara agar bisnis tidak sampai down apalagi bangkrut.
Terus, bagaimana caranya agar walaupun dengan low budget tetapi mempunyai efek yg luar biasa bagi revenue bisnis kita, dengan kata lain bagaimana sih kita bisa berpromosi yang murah meriah, dengan 'hanya' mengandalkan sesuatu yang kita punya.
Salah satu jawabannya adalah: menggunakan Teknik Soft Marketing dengan Blogging.
Terus, apa & bagaimana caranya?
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Apa saja isi blog biar optimal?
Bagaimana melakukan Optimalisasi Blog?
silahkan Anda dowload free ebook dan akan di berikan tips & trik secara GRATIS bagaimana melakukan teknik2 tsb.
FREE EBOOK Soft Marketing Via Blogging (Part 1) silahkan Anda Klik DISINI
FREE EBOOK Soft Marketing Via Blogging (Part 2) silahkan Anda
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
semoga bermanfaat...
salam sukses...
RajaKerupuk :)
Terus, bagaimana caranya agar walaupun dengan low budget tetapi mempunyai efek yg luar biasa bagi revenue bisnis kita, dengan kata lain bagaimana sih kita bisa berpromosi yang murah meriah, dengan 'hanya' mengandalkan sesuatu yang kita punya.
Salah satu jawabannya adalah: menggunakan Teknik Soft Marketing dengan Blogging.
Terus, apa & bagaimana caranya?
Apa perlu Optimalisasi Blog ?
Apa saja isi blog biar optimal?
Bagaimana melakukan Optimalisasi Blog?
silahkan Anda dowload free ebook dan akan di berikan tips & trik secara GRATIS bagaimana melakukan teknik2 tsb.
FREE EBOOK Soft Marketing Via Blogging (Part 1) silahkan Anda Klik DISINI
FREE EBOOK Soft Marketing Via Blogging (Part 2) silahkan Anda
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: (021) 71088944 email :
semoga bermanfaat...
salam sukses...
RajaKerupuk :)
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Label: Analisa Data Statistik, Free Software, Olah Data Statistik, Soft Marketing, TIPS
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technorati: Analisa Data Statistik, Free Software, Olah Data Statistik, Soft Marketing, TIPS
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