Info Lowongan Kerja PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III
PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (PERSERO) which run its core business as a provider of port services, has a key role to ensure the smoothness of sea transport, so that by the availability of sea transport infrastructures it can arise state and society economical activity.
According to its role, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III (PERSERO) has defined Vission and Mission as guidance in achieving its aim.
1. Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
2. Age as of 1 November 2010, a maximum of 30 years for S2, 26 years for S1;
3. Programs:
* A. S2 HR Management
* B. S1 Accounting
* C. Registered S1 Accounting
4. Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.80 from a scale of 4;
5. Able to speak English and operate computer (Microsoft Office);
6. Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind;
7. Preferably with experience;
8. Making a Statement on the stamp Rp 6,000, – which contains the following:
Beta Consulting ( ) siap membantu perusahaan/perorangan dalam melakukan analisa data statistika, olah data penelitian , riset pasar dan konsultasi manajemen.
1. Olah Data Statistika/ Analisa Data Penelitian : Uji Parametrik & Uji Non Parametrik, Time Series Analysis, Data Panel, Bootstrap, REGRESI, KORELASI, Multivariat, dll
2. Training Statistika : SPSS, Eview, SAS, Lisrel, Minitab, Amos
3. Riset Pasar
4. Management Consultancy
Beta Consulting ( )
Telp: 0819 4505 9000. email :
Kini Telah Hadir Batik Cirebon Antik & Unik hanya di MegaMendung.Com
Hub: Telp: (021) 71088944- 0819 4505 9000. email :
Raja Kerupuk Udang Cirebon
* Not to use and will not use the drug (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances);
* It’s never not honorably discharged from government and private agencies
* Able to keep company secrets
* Willing to undergo bond department for 10 years after he was appointed as employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
* No status as husband or wife employee of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
* Able to be placed throughout the PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) for the Applicants Passed Selection / Staff
* Willing to resign and to recover the costs that have been issued by the company when married to employees of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
* Willing to reimburse the company incurred Rp 15,000,000, – (fifteen million rupiah) if resigned after her graduation until the final stage of selection
For those interested, to send a complete application letter (enclosing CV, fc KTP, KSK & SKCK, last diploma legalized fc, fc all the certificates, certificate of work experience (if any), Statement (item 8), 4×6cm color passport photo of 3 (three) pages maximum 6 (six) months to:
Panitia Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Tingkat S2, S1 dan D3
Kantor Pusat PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero)
Jl. Tanjung Perak Timur 610 Surabaya 60185
Received no later than 01 December 2010 (postmark)
Only qualified applicants will be called in the selection process. Selection using knockout and ranking, only qualified applicants and the best (a certain amount) which will be called upon to take the next test. Each stage of selection is not collected / charged. Committee decision is final and can not be contested.
Kamis, November 25, 2010
Info Lowongan Kerja PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III
Posting Komentar (Atom)
- Analisa Data Statistik
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